The students at Iron Springs spend about 40 minutes a week in visual art class. Each week they exercise their creative muscles making art about the things they learn about with their classroom teachers. First graders have been making whimsical portraits with shapes, second graders spent time making simple mosaics using the 100 chart from math. Fourth graders are making books that illustrate the water cycle and the fifth graders studied color theory which complimented their science core.

The third graders have been learning about our local history over the past few months in their regular classes. They visited the Frontier Homestead Museum (formerly Iron Mission) and several historical sites in Parowan. After their field trips, we made block prints illustrating the things that they saw. First we made our preliminary drawings, and tried to include texture and details. Then we transferred our drawings to styrofoam printing blocks. Finally we used plexiglass, brayers, and water-based ink to create stunning block prints. Many of these prints are on display on a bulletin board in our hallway. Please stop and take a look the next time you're in the building.

1 comment:
I like the prints. I'm getting ready to do the same at my school, but printmaking isn't exactly my forte. We'll do our best....
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